Coffee House Coaching
Coffee House Coaching is an Executive Coaching podcast where I speak with fellow Executive Coaches about their practice, their process and how they help their clients. I also speak with individuals impacted by coaching and how it has improved their lives. My goal is to shine some light on the wonderful world of Executive Coaching and explain what it is and how it works. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, relax, and enjoy my conversations about Executive Coaching.
Coffee House Coaching
Ep 63 Jennifer Reitz - 24 Years into coaching / Somatics / 3 Great phrases / "What do you feel below the neck?"
Season 2
Episode 63
- Courage to pick up coaching in the early 2000's
- The difference in her practice over 24 years - "I don't need to know"
- The freedom of not knowing is where the magic happens
- Connecting your worth to the client achievements
- Coaching is not a destination
- Hearing back from a client years later and getting a "Thank You"
- Walking through the doors or windows that the client opens
- Coaching - there is not a there there
- Realized she was shrinking or contracting in relationships back in 2003
- Great phrases that I took away
- "Reloading for the next question"
- "Gripping the Wheel"
- "We are factory loaded as humans"
- Asking clients - What are you experiencing below the neck
- Creating space in your body