Coffee House Coaching
Coffee House Coaching is an Executive Coaching podcast where I speak with fellow Executive Coaches about their practice, their process and how they help their clients. I also speak with individuals impacted by coaching and how it has improved their lives. My goal is to shine some light on the wonderful world of Executive Coaching and explain what it is and how it works. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, relax, and enjoy my conversations about Executive Coaching.
Coffee House Coaching
Ep 73 Dana Carmen - Vision Quest impact / Finding your edges / Experiencing inner and outer transitions
Gary Nowak
Season 2
Episode 73
Some Highlights:
- Calling in from Greystone Ireland
- Taking his clients into nature and using this to see more clearly
- Having 2 or 3 unraveling's in his life, where his life didn't fit any longer
- Going through outer and inner transitions and the cost of "hanging on"
- Participating in the Vision Quest and the massive impact to Dana
- Taking a Reckoning to help find your way
- Coaching based his own lived experience
- Doing work on your own nervous system
- Finding your edges
- Getting coached on his own belonging
- Most new coaches feel that they are not enough
- We live in a culture of scarcity
- His coaching practice
- Meeting your client with the structure that they need
- Looking for clients that recognize the world we are living in
- Coaching was his lifeline
- Uses his practice as a bridge to illuminate people where they are
- I feel you feeling me
- Does your identity drain you or give you energy