Coffee House Coaching

Ep 63 Jennifer Reitz - 24 Years into coaching / Somatics / 3 Great phrases / "What do you feel below the neck?"

Season 2 Episode 63


  • Courage to pick up coaching in the early 2000's
  • The difference in her practice over 24 years - "I don't need to know" 
  • The freedom of not knowing is where the magic happens
  • Connecting your worth to the client achievements
  • Coaching is not a destination
  • Hearing back from a client years later and getting a "Thank You"
  • Walking through the doors or windows that the client opens
  • Coaching - there is not a there there
  • Realized she was shrinking or contracting in relationships back in 2003
  • Great phrases that I took away
    • "Reloading for the next question" 
    • "Gripping the Wheel" 
    • "We are factory loaded as humans" 
  • Asking clients - What are you experiencing below the neck
  • Creating space in your body