Coffee House Coaching
Coffee House Coaching is an Executive Coaching podcast where I speak with fellow Executive Coaches about their practice, their process and how they help their clients. I also speak with individuals impacted by coaching and how it has improved their lives. My goal is to shine some light on the wonderful world of Executive Coaching and explain what it is and how it works. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, relax, and enjoy my conversations about Executive Coaching.
Coffee House Coaching
Ep 61 Barbara Stewart - Coaching the New Path / Solopreneurialism / The Ripple
Gary Nowak
- 20 years as a financial advisor and not growing
- Trying to find a new path and it lead to coaching
- As a teacher she knew she always wanted to help others find their goals
- The ripple affect and making the most impact
- The beginners mind
- Being a solopreneur
- Assessment and tool discussion
- Group and team coaching
- Knowing when you are at capacity
- Being a better all around person due to her coaching experience