Coffee House Coaching
Coffee House Coaching is an Executive Coaching podcast where I speak with fellow Executive Coaches about their practice, their process and how they help their clients. I also speak with individuals impacted by coaching and how it has improved their lives. My goal is to shine some light on the wonderful world of Executive Coaching and explain what it is and how it works. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, relax, and enjoy my conversations about Executive Coaching.
Coffee House Coaching
Ep 95 Shannon Odam (Coachee) - Being coached somatically / Change body - change mind / Body is your brain
Gary Nowak
Season 3
Episode 95
- Working with Jennifer Reitz
- Loved Jenn's approach around somatics
- Seeking out individual coaching to focus growth and learning
- Working at the C Suite HR level with large organizations
- Supervision and being nervous about it
- Jennifer has warmth & wisdom stood out during the session
- Coming around on being coached somatically
- Constantly bringing Shannon back into her body
- Feeling into your height, width and depth
- Getting the perspective "Shannon, you're not going to solve this in your brain"
- Your body is your brain
- What would life be like if we didn't wait for anything?
- "Why" doesn't matter
- Change your body and change your mood
- Body awareness has stuck with Shannon all along
- All we are trying to do is defend ourself from feeling ourself
- Noticed today that Shannon is creating more space
- Big leap from feeling to articulation