Coffee House Coaching
Coffee House Coaching is an Executive Coaching podcast where I speak with fellow Executive Coaches about their practice, their process and how they help their clients. I also speak with individuals impacted by coaching and how it has improved their lives. My goal is to shine some light on the wonderful world of Executive Coaching and explain what it is and how it works. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, relax, and enjoy my conversations about Executive Coaching.
Coffee House Coaching
Ep 98 Conrad Pinnock (Coachee) - Power in Knowing / Less is More / Being open to Coaching
Gary Nowak
Season 3
Episode 98
- Seeking coaching while feeling stuck with a bit of anxiety
- Trying all avenues to improve self
- You are in the place where we should be and learning to accept this
- Learning coaching to learn about self and increase business skill set
- First call with Jennifer Reitz and noticed how calm she was
- There is a power in knowing
- Coaching can be redirecting the clients attention to gain insight
- Powerful somatic exercise around anxiety - where is it / what is the shape / explain the texture / does it move?
- Some of us learn in the moment and some of us learn in the reflection
- Making an immediate connection post session
- Conrad has two settings either on or off, commitment to experiments
- A capable coach doesn't linger in the past
- If I don't feel heard, I'm going to "Check Out"
- A good coach helps you walk more quickly to your goals
- When others experience you different than you see yourself
- Good management is like good coaching "Less is More"
- Believing in the resources of the person in front of you